This recently-released digital text collection includes the doctrines of Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and Jainism from the late 19th century through the 21st century as presented in the writings of Alan Watts, Thich Nhat Hanh, Wendy Doniger, and many more. This collection offers rich primary source material and expands our library’s collection of interfaith studies. Your […]
Announcing Women’s Magazine Archive
Newly available to Loyola researchers seeking insight into the lives and times of American women, look to Women’s Magazine Archive for articles, interviews, editorials, photography, and advertising. Content, dating from the start of the 20th century, comes from magazines such as Good Housekeeping (noted for its focus on family life and the home), Ladies’ Home […]
Announcing Archival Access to the Washington Post and Wall Street Journal
Newly accessible to Loyola researchers in a convenient, searchable online format: Complete content from the Washington Post (1877-2002) and the Wall Street Journal (1889-2001). Winner of more than 60 Pulitzer Prizes for categories from Editorial Writing to National and International Reporting, the Washington Post is widely known as one of America’s most influential newspapers. The […]
Independence Day Holiday Hours
The Libraries will be closed for the following: Wed. Jul. 3 Closing at 5 PM Thu. Jul. 4 Independence Day Fri. Jul. 5 Independence Day Holiday Sat. Jul. 6 Independence Day Holiday We will reopen on Sunday, July 7th at 12 pm. Find our complete list of hours here.